A projector with a high quality anamorphic lens enables the use of an ultra wide screen with the side masking system. And this makes it possible to present the films exactly with the same intensive vibes as in the commersial cinemas. The setup is called Cinemascope. Also it is appropriate to be aware that the big majority of all time movies has been filmed in this 2.40:1 aspect ratio, which refers to this word Cinemascope. The true constant height system means that the widest movies are always also the biggest in size, and this is not happening in the home cinemas with a standard 16:9 aspect ratio. All the Cinomorph anamorphic lenses have the horizontal expansion optics, thus supporting perfectly a constant height, 2.40:1 Cinemascope setup. The lens series has different sister models based on both corrected prisms and cylindrical optics.
There are six different main items, with large number of sub items in a Cino product family. The fresh and innovative products have been designed to match together in performance, appearance and coloring. Thus, the items be perfectly employed to construct a dedicated cinema rooms of different size and the level of performance. Due to a modular construction, the rooms can also be easily scaled to different spaces, and additionally they are very cost effective and fast to build.
Prismasonic is a dynamic Finnish company. Since 2001, we have pioneered motorised anamorphic lenses based on both corrected prisms and cylindrical lenses. Now our goal is to offer fresh and innovative solutions to build a complete audio visual environment with an exceptional performance and appearance, so that the people could find the best way to enjoy their favorite music and movies, without missing any nuance of them. We have now completed our reference rooms, and are welcoming the customers to the show. Please do not hesitate to contact us!